
Collation of random thoughts & what not. Proper standalone articles may get there own page, but this will be the main house of those minor thoughts.

Weaving this Web, or What will be...

I honestly don't know what this will become. It may become my new hobby, or I may forget about it by the end of the week. Hopefully, I will at least pick up a little HTML & gain a better appreciation for websites. Regardless I feel it is best, like many things in life, to just take it as it comes. To not get overly attached with what i think it should be, but rather let it become what it will.

Seeded on the 8th Day of the Darkening Moon
Last cared for on the 9th Day of the Darkening Moon

Dungeons and Dragons Ramblings

Here's some of my ramblings of Dungeons and Dragons, specifically D&D 5th edition. Honestly I got a lot of feelings about the game. From how the community can range from wholesome and inviting to gate keeping arogant dorks. The game has deeply colonist and conservative themes, which more articulate people have made articles for explaining and criticizing. There's too many rules and options that slow the game down and make a barreier to entry. We're not even getting to the horrible company that owns it.

I'm actually making my own game of sorts that's reall just rolling a d20 or two with 6+ being a mixed result and 15+ being a good result. Unfortunately a lot of people think they want to play D&D, whether or not they actually do is another thing, and as such are unwilling to try something so freeform.

Extra unfortunately, I find myself thinking about the game alot. How I would tweak it. I already have the proper solution which is to burn it all down, but part of me still keeps trying to fix what is there...

Hacks for the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer


1st-Level Aberrant Mind feature

You can telepathically communicate with creatures within 30ft of you. To understand each other you, must share a language. If you already have or gain additional features to communicate telepathically, combine the ranges of all of your telepathic features.

As a bonus action, you can form a telepathic connection with one creature within range of your telepathy. The connection allows you & the creature to communicate telepathically while the two of you are within a mile of each other. Only one connection can be made at a time & it can last up to a number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum of 1 hour). The condition ends early if you or the creature are incapacitated or die or if you use this ability to form a new connection.


6th-Level Aberrant Mind Feature

You gain the two following Metamagic options, these Metamagic options can only be obtained thru this feature. At 18th Level these options may be combined with other Metamagic options during the casting of a spell. Additionally, If you have the Subtle Spell Metamagic option, you may replace it with a different Metamagic Option.

PSIONIC SPELL (i.e. Improved Subtle Spell)

When you cast a spell, you can cast it without any somatic or verbal components, and it requires no material components, unless they are consumed by the spell.


You can cast a spell up to 5th level without expending a spell slot by spending a number of sorcery points equal to the desired level of the spell.

TTRPG, Homebrew
Seeded on the 11th Night of the Darkening Moon
Last cared for on the 25th Eve of the Darkening Moon